In 2023, Gifted Heart and Hope Foundation made significant strides in climate action and environmental conservation by planting 3000 gravelia trees across various locations in Migori county  Rongo sub-county. These trees were planted in primary schools such as Kangeso, Aila, Rairi, Mitwe, Kitweru, Ngere, and Kangeso Sub-location villages. This initiative has not only increased tree coverage in the regions but has also positively impacted water catchment areas, contributing to an overall improvement in the local environment.

Looking ahead to 2024, Gifted Heart and Hope Foundation is committed to furthering these efforts in Kisumu, Siaya, Kakamega, and Uashin Gishu Counties by planning to plant an additional 3000 seedlings in each County.

This demonstrates our ongoing dedication to the cause of environmental sustainability and signifies a continued investment in the well-being of the local ecosystem. We are committed to working with the National and county governments in the marked Counties and looking forward to work in collocation with other government urgencies, non-government Organizations, donors, and other environmental philanthropists to save our much affected environment and most importantly reverse the ramping climate change.

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